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Ragionando sulla Turchia

Ragionando sulla Turchia

La riflessione di Gianni Pardo sulla politica estera del governo turco. La comprensione della politica turca è in questo momento particolarmente difficile. Gli stessi osservatori internazionali sottolineano come la politica estera di Erdogan sia ondeggiante, contraddittoria e, a conti fatti, irritante anche per chi, fino a non molto tempo fa, è stato suo alleato. Così […]

‘We are all citizens of the Mediterranean’: #WEMED conference launches Cross Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean programme

‘We are all citizens of the Mediterranean’: #WEMED conference launches Cross Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean programme

Over 350 participants from the 13 countries involved in the EU-funded programme Cross Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin (ENI CBCMed) attended the programme’s launching conference #WEMED organised in Athens on the 16 of December 2016. Discussions shed light on the importance of developing impactful and long-lasting cooperation to address crucial challenges and make […]

EUTF for Africa and IOM initiative for Protection and Reintegration of returnees along the Central Mediterranean migration routes

EUTF for Africa and IOM initiative for Protection and Reintegration of returnees along the Central Mediterranean migration routes

The European Union, through the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), and with contributions from Germany (€48 million) and Italy (€22 million), has developed a joint initiative with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to support the efforts of partner countries in Africa to strengthen migration management and to respond to the urgent protection needs […]

EU Trust Fund for Colombia

EU Trust Fund for Colombia

The violent armed conflict has afflicted Colombia for the past 50 years destabilising the country and causing the death of over 200,000 of people and the forced internal displacement of more than 5 million Colombians. The conflict has largely destroyed the country’s social fabric, seriously affected its economic development and undermined the resilience of large […]

Campania, parte il bando “Benessere Giovani”

Campania, parte il bando “Benessere Giovani”

Il bando rivolto ai comuni per avvicinare i giovani alla cultura d’impresa e all’acquisizione di competenze: le proposte progettuali dal 15 dicembre 2016 Parte con avviso pubblico “Benessere Giovani – Organizziamoci”, la linea di intervento della Regione Campania che mira a sensibilizzare ed accompagnare i giovani dai 16 ai 35 anni alla cultura d’impresa e […]

Renewable Energy for Africa – Commission’s commitment to facilitate investments

Renewable Energy for Africa – Commission’s commitment to facilitate investments

18/11/2016 – Commissioner for International and Development, Neven Mimica, issued today a joint press statement on the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) together with Professor Alpha Condé, President of Guinea and African Union Coordinator for the AREI. With new ambitious targets set for 2020, the European Union reaffirms its leading role in supporting the African […]

EU and Belarus agree on future cooperation

EU and Belarus agree on future cooperation

18.11.2016 – A delegation of the European Union has visited Minsk on 16-17 November for the second meeting of the EU-Belarus Coordination Group. The EU officials together with Belarusian officials and civil society representatives discussed bilateral partnership priorities, human rights and democracy, sectoral issues in the fields of economy and trade, transport, environment and energy, […]

Tunisia: success of the information event on the ENI CBC Med Programme

Tunisia: success of the information event on the ENI CBC Med Programme

21.10.2016 – More than 120 people took part in Tunis last Monday in the first public event on the cooperation and funding opportunities offered by the ENI CBC Med Programme. In their opening speeches, Ms. Moufida Jaballah, President of the general authority for international cooperation at the Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation of […]

MEDIA – Nuovo bando per i festival audiovisivi

MEDIA – Nuovo bando per i festival audiovisivi

Budget complessivo di 2,9 milioni di euro per le rassegne dedicate a film e opere audiovisive Tornano i bandi di Creative Europe – Media dedicati ai festival cinematografici. Il sostegno finanziario è rivolto alle rassegne di film e  opere audiovisive di creazione europee (fiction, documentari, animazione, cortometraggi e lungometraggi) e prevede un budget complessivo annuale […]

Regione Campania, 1,8 milioni per il Teatro San Carlo

Regione Campania, 1,8 milioni per il Teatro San Carlo

FIRMATO IL DECRETO DI LIQUIDAZIONE Il Presidente della Regione Vincenzo De Luca ha incaricato gli uffici di procedere, nell’ambito del bilancio regionale, alla liquidazione di 1.885.000 euro alla Fondazione Teatro San Carlo di Napoli. Oggi il decreto di liquidazione è stato firmato e pertanto la cifra stanziata dalla Regione Campania è nella piena disponibilità della Fondazione per far fronte […]