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eSignature taking a step towards the digital future

Imagine that you own a small business and spend hours every week signing documents. Wouldn’t it be easier if you knew that you could sign the documents electronically, at any time, from any part of the world, using an electronic ID that can easily be recognised as authentic by other parties?

In our modern 21st century, where everything from trade to public services has gone digital, the issue of trust in the online space is very important. Which source of information, which documents can we trust? How can we verify this? A qualified electronic signature (eSignature) is a solution that enables individuals to sign documents remotely. An eSignature guarantees the authenticity of a document, can be valid across borders, and helps people save time, while strengthening online trust and security.

To make an electronic signature trustworthy across borders, the European Union’s EU4Digital Facility has implemented a cross-border eSignature pilot. This pilot tested the operation of cross-border eSignature between two Eastern partner countries – Moldova and Ukraine – and EU country Estonia, aiming to increase readiness for cross-border mutual recognition. While only three countries piloted the solution, eSignature is an important building block of the international digital economy. The pilot provides the opportunity to lay the foundations for wider uptake in the Eastern Partnership region, and for the other Eastern partner countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia to take the lessons learned and increase their readiness towards mutual recognition of trust services between them and with the EU.

For more information: EU Neighbours East

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